Step-by-Step Guide to Writing a Purchase Contract

Creating a legally binding purchase contract is an essential element in any real estate transaction. After all, it serves to protect both parties involved, clarify the terms of the sale and can even be used for negotiating the agreement. The Genie AI team understands how important it is to get a purchase contract right, so we have compiled this step-by-step guide to help buyers and sellers alike better understand what is expected of them.

A purchase contract should include every detail of the agreement between buyer and seller, from the price of purchase and payment terms, to any contingencies or closing dates specified. It’s important that it’s as explicit as possible so there’s no risk for confusion or misinterpretation - after all, these documents are legally binding! Moreover, including all relevant information in a purchase contract can help prevent misunderstandings arising during or after completion.

Finally, a purchase contract can be invaluable when it comes to negotiations on both sides. Having an objective document showing precisely what each party has agreed ensures everyone is on the same page when it comes time to close on a deal.

At Genie AI we are proud believers in helping people access high quality legal documents without having to pay expensive lawyer fees - that’s why we have created our community template library which millions of datapoints across teach our powerful AI system what constitutes market-standard contracts! If you’re looking for more detailed guidance on how to draft a valid and enforceable real estate transaction document then please read on below for further information – let us help you create strong agreements that keep your interests secure!


Jurisdiction: The geographical area or authority under which a legal system operates.
Contract Law: A set of rules that governs the formation and enforcement of legally binding agreements between parties.
Consumer Protection Laws: Laws that regulate the sale and provision of goods and services to protect the interests of consumers.
Witness: A person who is present at an event or transaction and can testify to what happened.
Mediation: A process in which an impartial third-party mediator helps two or more parties resolve a dispute.
Arbitration: A process of resolving a dispute by having an impartial third-party arbitrator make a binding decision.
Remedies: Measures that are taken to enforce a legal right or remedy a wrong.
Lawsuit: A legal action brought by one party against another in a court of law.


  1. Overview of the legal requirements for a valid purchase contract
  2. What laws apply to the transaction
  3. What documents need to be included in the purchase contract
  4. What the parties are agreeing to in the contract
  5. Drafting the purchase contract
  6. Identifying the parties involved in the agreement
  7. Drafting the clauses that outline the terms of the purchase contract
  8. Ensuring that the contract is drafted in accordance with applicable legal requirements
  9. Negotiating the terms of the purchase contract
  10. Identifying the points of contention between the parties
  11. Discussing the terms of the purchase contract to reach an agreement
  12. Identifying and addressing potential issues that could arise in the negotiation process
  13. Executing the purchase contract
  14. Finalizing any changes to the purchase contract
  15. Signing and executing the purchase contract
  16. Ensuring that all parties are in agreement with the terms of the purchase contract
  17. Filing the purchase contract
  18. Determining where the purchase contract must be filed
  19. Submitting the purchase contract for filing with the relevant authorities
  20. Obtaining confirmation that the purchase contract is legally binding
  21. Monitoring the purchase contract
  22. Reviewing the purchase contract regularly to ensure that it remains up to date and valid
  23. Identifying any changes that need to be made to the purchase contract
  24. Making any necessary changes to the purchase contract
  25. Dispute resolution
  26. Identifying potential disputes that could arise between the parties
  27. Establishing a dispute resolution process in the purchase contract
  28. Resolving any disputes that do arise in accordance with the terms of the purchase contract
  29. Termination and renewal of the purchase contract
  30. Establishing a process for terminating the purchase contract
  31. Establishing a process for renewing the purchase contract
  32. Ensuring that the terms of the purchase contract remain in effect until the contract is terminated or renewed
  33. Amendments to the purchase contract
  34. Identifying any changes that need to be made to the purchase contract
  35. Drafting amendments to the purchase contract to reflect the changes
  36. Executing the amendments to the purchase contract
  37. Enforcement of the purchase contract
  38. Understanding the enforcement options available for the purchase contract
  39. Taking appropriate action to enforce the purchase contract if required
  40. Seeking legal advice if necessary

Get started

Overview of the legal requirements for a valid purchase contract

When you can check this off your list:

What laws apply to the transaction

What documents need to be included in the purchase contract

What the parties are agreeing to in the contract

Drafting the purchase contract

Identifying the parties involved in the agreement

Drafting the clauses that outline the terms of the purchase contract

You’ll know you’ve completed this step when you have a comprehensive list of clauses that address all the key points of agreement between the parties.

Ensuring that the contract is drafted in accordance with applicable legal requirements

How you’ll know when you can check this off your list and move on to the next step:

Negotiating the terms of the purchase contract

Identifying the points of contention between the parties

You will know you have successfully completed this step when you have identified all of the points of contention between the parties and have a list of potential issues that should be addressed in the purchase contract.

Discussing the terms of the purchase contract to reach an agreement

Identifying and addressing potential issues that could arise in the negotiation process

Executing the purchase contract

Finalizing any changes to the purchase contract

Signing and executing the purchase contract

Ensuring that all parties are in agreement with the terms of the purchase contract

Filing the purchase contract

Once the purchase contract has been successfully filed, you can check this off your list and move on to the next step.

Determining where the purchase contract must be filed

Submitting the purchase contract for filing with the relevant authorities

Obtaining confirmation that the purchase contract is legally binding

Monitoring the purchase contract

Reviewing the purchase contract regularly to ensure that it remains up to date and valid

Identifying any changes that need to be made to the purchase contract

Making any necessary changes to the purchase contract

Dispute resolution

Once all of the above steps have been completed, you can move on to the next step of identifying potential disputes that could arise between the parties.

Identifying potential disputes that could arise between the parties

Establishing a dispute resolution process in the purchase contract

Resolving any disputes that do arise in accordance with the terms of the purchase contract

When you’ve identified and agreed upon a resolution to any dispute in accordance with the terms of the purchase contract, you can move on to the next step of Termination and Renewal of the Purchase Contract.

Termination and renewal of the purchase contract

Once you have outlined the termination and renewal conditions of the purchase contract, you can check this off your list and move onto the next step.

Establishing a process for terminating the purchase contract

Establishing a process for renewing the purchase contract

• Agree on the length of the renewal period and the terms of the renewal
• Decide how the renewal period will be initiated and how notice will be provided
• Include a provision for the purchase contract to be automatically renewed unless either party provides written notice of termination
• Specify the date by which a notice of termination needs to be given
• Outline the process for renegotiating the terms of the contract if it is renewed
• Ensure that the renewed contract is signed and dated by both parties

Once all of the above provisions have been included and agreed upon, the process of establishing a process for renewing the purchase contract is complete and you can move on to the next step.

Ensuring that the terms of the purchase contract remain in effect until the contract is terminated or renewed

Amendments to the purchase contract

Identifying any changes that need to be made to the purchase contract

Drafting amendments to the purchase contract to reflect the changes

Executing the amendments to the purchase contract

Enforcement of the purchase contract

Understanding the enforcement options available for the purchase contract

When you can check this off your list:

Taking appropriate action to enforce the purchase contract if required

You can check this off your list and move on to the next step when you have taken the necessary action to enforce the purchase contract, or when you have a settlement agreement or court order in place.

Seeking legal advice if necessary


Q: What happens if I don’t include an addendum in my purchase contract?

Asked by Avery, on 3rd July 2022.
A: Leaving out an addendum can create potential issues between the buyer and seller. An addendum is a document that is added to the purchase contract which sets out additional terms and conditions that may not be covered in the main contract. Without this, the buyer and seller may not have a clear understanding on certain aspects of the purchase, such as payment terms, timelines and other important details. It’s therefore best practice to include an addendum in any purchase contract to ensure both parties have a clear understanding of their obligations.

Q: How do I ensure my purchase contract is legally binding?

Asked by Ryan, on 24th June 2022.
A: To ensure your purchase contract is legally binding, you must include all essential details related to the agreement between the buyer and seller. This includes the full name and contact details of both parties, a description of the goods and/or services being purchased, payment terms and conditions, delivery and/or installation dates, warranties and any other information that is relevant to the agreement. All parties must sign the document for it to be legally binding, so make sure you have everyone’s signature before finalising the agreement.

Q: How do I protect myself if there are disputes related to my purchase contract?

Asked by Emma, on 16th April 2022.
A: To protect yourself against any disputes related to your purchase contract, you should ensure that you include clauses that outline how disputes should be handled in the event they arise. This could include clauses related to arbitration or mediation processes which must be followed before legal action can be taken. Additionally, you should include clauses which outline jurisdiction - i.e. which country or state will be responsible for resolving any disputes - and how the laws of that jurisdiction will apply in such cases.

Q: What happens if one party changes their mind about a purchase contract?

Asked by Liam, on 31st January 2022.
A: If one party changes their mind about a purchase contract after it has been signed by both parties, it is important to address this quickly and professionally as it has implications for both parties. If possible, renegotiate the terms of the original agreement to take into account any changes in circumstances or expectations. If this isn’t possible then it’s best practice to draw up a new contract or amendment reflecting these changes before it can be signed by both parties again.

Q: Can I use a template for my purchase contract?

Asked by Ava, on 12th May 2022.
A: Using a template for your purchase contract can be a useful starting point when writing up an agreement between buyers and sellers. However, templates are only designed to provide general guidance on what should be included in such contracts and may not take into account specific legal requirements relating to your industry or sector. Therefore it’s always best practice to consult with a lawyer who can provide tailored advice on how best to write up your agreement according to your particular needs.

Q: Are there any specific UK laws I should consider when writing my purchase contract?

Asked by Noah, on 8th August 2022.
A: Writing up a legally binding purchase contract involves understanding local laws which relate to contracts in general as well as specific regulations regarding sales of goods or services in your industry or sector. In the UK there are several laws that should be considered when writing up a purchase contract such as The Consumer Rights Act 2015 (which applies to consumers buying goods or services from businesses) and The Sale of Goods Act 1979 (which outlines certain rights and responsibilities between buyers and sellers). It’s important to consult with a lawyer who can provide tailored advice on how best to write up your agreement according to your particular needs and local laws.

Q: Is a verbal agreement considered legally binding?

Asked by Abigail, on 22nd September 2022.
A: Verbal agreements can be considered legally binding depending on certain factors such as whether there was an intention from both parties to create legal relations when making the agreement and whether there was an exchange of consideration (i.e goods or services). However, verbal agreements are often difficult to enforce if there is a dispute between both parties due to lack of evidence or written records of what was agreed upon. It’s therefore best practice to put all agreements into writing in order for them to be legally binding - this will help clarify any potential disputes that may arise between buyers and sellers down the line due to misunderstandings or disagreements over what was agreed upon verbally.

Q: What happens if I need amendments made after signing a purchase contract?

Asked by Michael, on 5th October 2022.
A: If you need amendments made after signing a purchase contract then you should speak with the other party involved before making any changes as they will also need to agree with them for them to be valid under law. You can either draft up an amendment document outlining all proposed changes which must then be signed by both parties or make changes directly onto the original document itself (although it’s important that both parties initial each change). Amendments can also be verbal but these are more difficult enforce if there is a dispute between both parties due lack of evidence or written records of what was agreed upon.

Q: What if one party breaches the terms of my purchase contract?

Asked by Elijah, on 19th November 2022.
A: If one party breaches the terms of your purchase contract then this could result in legal action being taken against them depending on how serious the breach is or how much financial damage has been caused as result of their action/inaction (if any). However, it’s important that you first attempt alternate methods of resolving disputes rather than going straight for legal action - such methods could including mediation/arbitration processes being followed in accordance with what was outlined in your original agreement (if applicable) before seeking legal advice from a lawyer who can provide tailored advice depending on your particular circumstances.

Example dispute

Suing for Breach of Contract:

Templates available (free to use)

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