If you are a student, you may have a chance to do part of your studies abroad or complete a traineeship in a company through Erasmus .
If you are interested in doing part of your studies abroad, you should first contact your own university.
When you go abroad to study via Erasmus :
Recognition of your study period abroad
Your home university must recognise your period of study abroad as counting towards your degree, provided you complete the study programme agreed in advance of your exchange.
With Erasmus Mundus, you can enrol in a postgraduate degree programme jointly offered by universities based in different EU countries - in certain cases, even outside Europe. You study or conduct research in at least two countries - and are awarded a joint, double or multiple degree as a result. Scholarships for Erasmus Mundus are available for students from Europe and all over the world.
Interested? Check out the Masters programmes that participate in Erasmus Mundus. Visit the website of the joint masters of your choice for information on entry requirements and the calendar for applications.
Erasmus Mundus scholarships can also support partnerships with universities from a range of countries and regions across the world.
These partnerships provide scholarships for European students to study in non-EU countries, and for non-Europeans to come to EU universities. Find out more about partnerships offering scholarships for nationals of your country. Visit a partnership's website for more information on the courses it offers, entry requirements and the calendar for applications.
Maybe your university participates in other international exchange programmes. You can find out more about Erasmus and other exchange opportunities from your university's international relations office.
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