Appointment, Review, and Renewal of Endowed Professorships in the School of Medicine

Full-time tenure-ineligible, tenure-eligible, and tenured associate and full professors, and new hires being considered for such appointments.

Policy Contents
  1. Definitions & Background
  2. Reason for Policy
  3. Policy Statement
  4. Candidates Qualifications
  5. Appointment Information
  6. Procedures
  7. Revenue Generated from an Endowed Professorship
  8. Related Policies and Documents

Bicentennial Emerging Scholar Professorship: A named account intended to recruit or retain early career faculty who show potential as a scholar by providing support to protect the faculty member at a critical point in the career development.

Collaborator: An individual with whom the candidate has worked on a common goal, e.g., a fellow member of a department or center, trainee or mentor, co-publisher, etc.

Enabling Language: The terms that establish and define the endowed professorship.

Endowed Professorship: A named account, established for distinguished full or associate professors, that recognizes excellence in a field of study or practice and provides funds to support continued excellence in that field.


The bestowing of an endowed professorship or a Bicentennial Emerging Scholar Professorship (“professorship”) by the University supports recruitment and retention efforts by recognizing significant accomplishment through scholarship and/or application of knowledge.

Reason for Policy

The provost’s policy on the Appointment of Faculty to Endowed Professorships requires that each school have a written policy governing the appointment of faculty members to professorships. This policy documents procedures for how both non-term limited and term-limited professorships will be appointed, reviewed, and, if appropriate, renewed to help to promote good fiscal stewardship and to ensure that the intention of the donors, as stated in the enabling language, is honored.

Policy Statement

Individuals who have been appointed to a professorship are expected to carry out work that supports the enabling language. Each professorship holder shall submit a comprehensive written report at the end of the appointment period to document effort as it relates to the professorship. This report shall, in part, inform the decision whether or not to renew a term-limited professorship.

A professorship is awarded based on accomplishments and shall not be awarded solely to provide financial support. Salary support from a professorship may not be used to exempt a faculty member from the requirements of his/her appointment. Clinical faculty who hold a professorship are expected to meet the department’s requirements for providing clinical care; faculty members in a basic science department who hold professorships are expected to submit grants that will provide salary support; and faculty who hold professorships recognizing excellence in education are expected to support the requirements of the School of Medicine (SOM) and the department in meeting teaching and training needs.

The enabling language of a specific professorship may carry additional conditions (e.g., required annual reporting, a limit to the number of renewals). Should a condition arise where there is a conflict between this policy and the enabling language, the enabling language shall take precedence.

Candidates Qualifications
Endowed professorships