Legal Definition and Related Resources of Compromise

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This definition of Compromise is based on the The Cyclopedic Law Dictionary . This entry needs to be proofread.

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Resource Description

English Legal System: Compromise

The settlement of a disputed claim by agreement between the parties. Any court proceedings already started are terminated. The terms of the settlement can be incorporated in a judgment by the court (called a consent judgment) or the terms can form a contract between the parties.

Definition of Compromise of 1850

In relation to social issues, a meaning of compromise of 1850 is provided here: had four parts- first, California was allowed to enter the Union as a free state; second, the rest of the Mexican Cession was divided into the territories of New Mexico and Utah (in each territory, voters would decide the slavery question according to popular sovereignty); third, the slave trade was ended in Washington, D.C., the nation’s capitol (Congress, however, declared
that it had no power to ban the slave trade between slave states; fourth, a strict new fugitive slave law was passed.